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Apple sauce recipe / How to make apple sauce / Easy apple sauce recipe

Apple Sauce is a sauce made of apples and with few mild spices and sweethen with sugar or honey.

The recipe i am sharing today is a very easy peasy recipe which can be made instantly with easily available ingredients. Just 6 easily available ingredients and your mouthwatering, flavorful and delicious apple sauce is ready.

This sauce can be used in your various daily cookings. Can be served as a topping in pancakes, filling or spread in sandwiches, as a dessert or dessert topping etc. It is also a great condiments or accompaniment for any appetizers. One very great use of apple sauce is it is a great replacement of eggs in baking. It works wonders.

This easy peasy apple sauce can be made in minutes and taste is divine with full of flavour. I make this often and loved making this as the aroma that fills my house while making this sauce is just heavenly. So when you can make this easily at home why buy from stores 😀

I hope you liked the recipe, thank you for stopping by my blog. Please share your valuable feedback, I would love to hear from you all.

Happy cooking!




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